
Choose the right winding machine to improve efficiency


The fully automatic technology of CNC winding machine has become the bottleneck restricting the capacity and working efficiency of CNC winding machine. However, the growth of technology cannot be achieved in a few months or years. In order to improve the winding efficiency of enterprises and the operation of equipment Rate, our company recommends that you choose the appropriate winding machine.

1. Reasonable purchase of CNC winding machine. This is a topic that is often talked about in the industry. According to the different characteristics of the winding process of different enterprises, the selection of the appropriate fully automatic CNC winding machine is the key to ensuring its winding efficiency. First of all, we must take economics and practicality as the premise, aim at the technological requirements of the coils required by the enterprise, solve the enterprise's efficiency bottlenecks, solve the winding efficiency of complex coils and the high-precision and difficult coil winding speed; improve the labor conditions of employees and reduce labor intensity Improve business efficiency. Then, refine the coil parameters, connect the coil parameter consistency and equipment communication; concentrate the process, shorten the product operation cycle, reduce the time for disassembly and assembly of tooling and production, and realize flexible automation and other problems. In addition, targeted selection does not blindly pursue high, precise, sharp and large and complete, but it also does not make it possible to purchase equipment that has been cut down by others in order to save money. At the same time, it must have reliable technical support and protection, such as the management level, programming, operation, maintenance and repair capabilities of the CNC equipment of the enterprise, and ensure that each winding machine operates in the best condition to promote the new equipment. Function and dip.

2. Whether the daily maintenance of the winding machine is convenient, and the scientific and standardized maintenance of the enterprise is one of the most important means to improve the efficiency of the CNC winding machine. The maintenance of the CNC winding machine mainly includes the maintenance, maintenance, reasonable use and overall planning of the winding machine The planning and debugging of information flow and material flow between various types of CNC equipment are necessary for the realization of networked and digital manufacturing of enterprises.

3. It is recommended that enterprises rationally design coil parameters. For many years, the choice of the parameters of the coil winding process in the manufacture of electronic equipment in China is mainly based on its own final product function, and the coil process and parameters are obtained through a large number of winding methods. To fundamentally solve the high efficiency, high quality of the winding machine and solve the enterprise's own process problems, the key is to change the traditional way of persistently relying on a large number of tests to obtain process parameters.

4. Improve the efficiency of winding programming. The easy-to-understand CNC specifications of the winding machine also affect the operating efficiency of the winding machine. The winding machines produced by some enterprises are troublesome to operate, and the programming code is completely incomprehensible without long-term training, especially the more complicated coil winding. Once the winding machine needs too many actions, the preparation of the program will be a piece of It's tedious and hard work.

5. Do a good job in the design, development and maintenance of winding fixtures. No matter how advanced the CNC winding machine is, there is no reasonable fixture to match with it. It is almost impossible to wind qualified coil products and improve the winding efficiency. Especially in the high-speed winding state, the concentricity and rigidity of the fixture will be It is the prerequisite and prerequisite for high-speed winding of the winding machine.
